Thursday, November 21, 2013

A General Rule

Photo by Corey Stevens
"A general rule for the good use of time is to accustom oneself to live in a continual dependence on the Spirit of God, receiving from moment to moment whatever it pleases to give us, referring to him at once in the doubts which we necessarily run into, turning to him in the weakness into which goodness slips from exhaustion, calling on him and lifting oneself to him, when the heart, swept away by material things, sees itself led imperceptibly off the path and finds itself forgetting and drifting away from God."  ~Francois FĂ©neton

I have run into doubts. 
I have discovered anew my own weakness.
I have slipped into exhaustion from all my efforts. 

So I must call on Him. 
I must lift myself to Him. 
I must find my strength in Him. 
I must pray the prayer of that Father, pleading with Jesus to help his son, "I believe; help my unbelief!" 
I must surrender to Him. 
I must lay down my burdens. 

I must expect a miracle. 

Please pray for me, and pray for the mobilization of Ecuador as we seek five 40/40 church planters to begin a church in the coastal city of Manta.

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