Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Kingdom of God on Earth

How are you impacting the kingdom of God right now?

I want that question to be the one that defines each of my days on this earth. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not perfect, and I mess up and lose sight of my role in the kingdom of God. But if I believe that God is the creator on the universe, then I believe that he created humankind. And the reason he created all of creation, including humankind, was for His glory. Our purpose on the earth is to bring God glory!

Let’s fast-forward. During Jesus’ ministry on earth, he taught the people how to pray. Part of this prayer that we now call the Lord’s Prayer is to say, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Christ taught us to ask the Father to make God’s kingdom come ON EARTH. And we are instruments of enacting the kingdom of God on earth.

So that brings me back to my original question: How are you impacting the kingdom of God to bring glory to God right now?

Once again, I want my existence to be defined by that question. But I want your existence to be defined by that too. Because that is what God desires for all of His creation.

That is why I am writing this. Because I know of an opportunity for you to be part of an extreme expansion of God’s kingdom. By now some of you know what I am talking about, because you know I am going to Peru with Extreme Nazarene, and most likely if you have talked to me about it for five minutes, I have said, “You should come to Peru!” But, I am kind of serious. There are opportunities for both long-term and short-term volunteers.

I have been thinking a lot lately about some things I read in the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. But one of the things that I can’t seem to get out of my head is a story he told about his days in Bible college. One of his professors asked him, “What are you doing right now that requires faith?” This question got him thinking about how his life would be different if he did not believe in God. And he came to the conclusion that he was not doing anything with his life that required absolute faith in God, that God would have to come through in some situation, otherwise he would be in serious trouble.

I want to ask the same question of myself, and of you. What are you doing right now that requires faith in God? I am not asking you to sell everything you have to give to the poor, (although Jesus did tell someone to do that) but I do want to challenge you to live like you believe in God, and believe that you have a part to play in the kingdom of God. Please consider stepping out in faith, stretching yourself, and doing whatever God asks of you.

If you are interested in how you can get involved in an extreme expansion of God’s kingdom through Extreme Nazarene Ministries, please ask me! But really, just seek the ways that you can live your life in total reliance on God. May God’s kingdom come ON EARTH as it is in heaven.

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