Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lenten Desires

The Lenten season has somehow managed to sneak up on me this year. It feels like we just switched to a new calendar year last week, and yet somehow it's the middle of February, and we are looking toward the season of celebrating the Risen Savior.

As I began to think about Lent, I reflected on past years: the fasting I've done, traditions I've had, and disciplines I've cultivated. And I tried to focus in on what I want to do this year. I spent much of Fat Tuesday reading blog posts from Christian thinkers I respect trying to get ideas and sort out what I should do.

Then a friend shared a blog post that changed my perspective a bit, reminding me of something I should have already known:

Lent is not about me.

This time of year is not about what I can do FOR God.

It's not about ME giving up something.

It's not about me adding something into MY life.

This IS, however, about what God has done in Christ through Easter.

It is about being a part of what the Spirit is doing in the world, and in my life.

It is about cultivating a connection with the God of the Universe, recognizing my entire dependance on HIM.

So I am with Landon Whitsitt this year, and I am going to use the Lenten season to focus on the disciplines of prayer and fasting, not FOR myself, but BECAUSE of the amazing Lord that I serve and love.

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