Friday, October 29, 2010


Sitting at our dining room table in Cusco, and it feels good to be home.


That word is so weird.

I have lived in Peru for almost nine months, but most of that time, I didn’t have a home. The house I lived in for the first three months was always “my host family’s house.” And Zamacola was never home, that’s for sure. But I did have family there. And it was incredibly hard to say goodbye to them Saturday night.

Friday night was our graduation. Everybody got dressed up, we marched in, and then we had the whole ceremony where we received our diplomas and they prayed for us and our ministry, and basically sent us out.

Saturday morning we had to wake up early and pack. Once I saw my stuff all packed up and put in the moving truck, it became real to me that we were leaving.

And Saturday night we had to say goodbye to our Arequipa family whom we have been with since L.A. and also the Puno group, who we have been on this journey with since they got here in May and moved in with us in August. And Cailyn Stevens, the girl who never cries, was an absolute squallbag. Because as Jen (the cluster mom for the Arequipa group) said, it is not natural to rip a family apart like that.

But Sunday morning we arrived in Cusco. We cleaned and shopped, which is actually what we’ve done everyday in Cusco. Monday, are stuff arrived, and on time! This was a huge step toward homey-ness, since the night before we slept on the cold, hard floor of a very empty house. But we were still without toilet seats until Tuesday night.

And Tuesday night, we had a family meal together, and it really did feel like home!

Monday, October 25, 2010

His GREAT Name

Lost are saved; find their way; at the sound of your great name
All condemned; feel no shame, at the sound of your great name
Every fear; has no place; at the sound of your great name
The enemy; he has to leave; at the sound of your great name

Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
All the weak; find their strength; at the sound of your great name
Hungry souls; receive grace; at the sound of your great name
The fatherless; they find their rest; at the sound of your great name
Sick are healed; and the dead are raised; at the sound of your great name
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
Redeemer, My Healer, Almighty
My savior, Defender, You are My King
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Second Spanish Sermon

Gálatas 2:21-3:5
“No desecho la gracia de Dios; pues si por la ley fuese la justicia, entonces por demás murió Cristo. !Oh gálatas insensatos! ¿quién os fascinó para no obedecer a la verdad, a vosotros ante cuyos ojos Jesucristo fue ya presentado claramente entre vosotros como crucificado? Esto solo quiero saber de vosotros: ¿Recibisteis el Espíritu por las obras de la ley, o por el oír con fe? ¿Tan necios sois? ¿Habiendo comenzado por el Espíritu, ahora vais a acabar por la carne? ¿Tantas cosas habéis padecido en vano? si es que realmente fue en vano. Aquel, pues, que os suministra el Espíritu, y hace maravillas entre vosotros, ¿lo hace por las obras de la ley, o por el oír con fe?”

¿Qué está sucediendo en este pasaje? Porque, no sé si ustedes anotaron, pero Pablo usa palabras fuertes para hablar con la iglesia en Galacia. Porque Pablo mismo predicó el evangelio en Galacia, y estuvo muy decepcionado cuando se dio cuenta de lo que había pasado.

Vinieron maestros falsos enseñándoles a los Gálatas un evangelio falso, y un controversia  se levantó. Algunos cristianos judíos insistían en que los cristianos no judíos tenían que seguir las leyes judías y rituales para ser miembros verdaderos de la iglesia. Pablo vio a los Gálatas como personas que se volvieron a sus tradiciones legalistas anteriores.

Habían dos grupos heréticos en Galacia: los Judaizadores, quienes predicaban la circuncisión para los creyentes, y los gnósticos, quienes les convencían de la importancia de ganar el favor de Dios a través del conocimiento superior. Los dos son sustitutos heréticos para la suficiencia de fe en Cristo.

Los Gálatas luchaban con una pregunta básica: ¿Qué nos hace justificados ante Dios? ¿Cuál es nuestra reputación ante Él? Y por las malas enseñanzas, las contestaban equivocadamente. Ellos creían, “Somos justificados ante Dios por lo que Jesús hizo por nosotros, más lo que hacemos por él, bajo la ley de Moisés.”

Pero Pablo, quien empezó la iglesia allá, les escribió para advertir en contra de la mezcla del legalismo y rituales religiosas y el evangelio de Dios de gracia. Les dijo que no pueden ser salvados a través de guardar leyes ni rituales, sino encontramos la salvación solamente en Jesucristo.

En realidad, Pablo estaba asombrado que los Gálatas no veían las consecuencias de su experiencia con el Espíritu. El está tan serio que usa palabras bien fuertes. Se puede traducir sus palabras a los Gálatas, “Ustedes idiotas de Galacia.” Para él, era obvio que la salvación proviniera de fe, y cualquier cosa más era ridícula. Una persona es dada el Espíritu Santo con la base de la fe, sin merecer este regalo, por eso el Cristianismo es basado en la fe, y no hay lugar de las obras en lo que se refiere a la salvación.

Después, Pablo comentará que los cristianos deberían portarse como respuesta del amor y sacrificio de Cristo, pero acá lo hace claro que la salvación está en la fundación de la fe en lo que Cristo ha hecho. Nuestra meta no puede ser alcanzada por el esfuerzo humano, y por eso murió Cristo en la cruz. Cualquier obra que tenía que ser hecho, él la hizo en la cruz, y eso es nuestra fundación.

También Pablo veía con los Gálatas una tendencia de creer que le podían obligar a Dios darles lo que querían por obedecerlo. Pero Pablo nos dice que el Espíritu no es dado porque trabajamos por su favor. No merecemos sus regalos preciosos. Esto es lo que significa la gracia de Dios.

Ya hemos escuchado la situación histórica y la predicación de Pablo, y hay que preguntar, “¿Cuáles son la implicaciones para nosotros actualmente?”

Este pasaje muestra una de las diferencias fundamentales entre el principio de ley y el principio de gracia. A bajo de la ley, estamos bendecidos y crecemos espiritualmente por medio de merecer y ganar. Pero a bajo de la gracia, estamos bendecidos y crecemos espiritualmente por medio de creer y recibir. Dios trata con usted a bajo del pacto de gracia; ¿está tratando de tratar con Dios por medio del principio de la ley? ¿Cree que Dios le quiere bendecir? ¿Cómo? ¿Por las obras de la ley o por la fe?

Dice el versículo 13, “Cristo nos redimió de la maldición de la ley, hecho por nosotros maldición.” Cristo nos rescató de la maldición de la ley, pero somos tan rápidos de cambiar nuestra bendición por la maldición de nuevo, y por tanto,  anulamos el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz. Queremos cambiar el regalo gratis por nuestro propio esfuerzo humano, pero nunca podemos alcanzar la salvación por esta manera.

Realmente, nunca podemos ser salvos solamente por obedecer la ley. ¿Pero significa que podemos pecar sin consecuencia? ¿Qué dice Pablo en Romanos 6:1-2? “¿Qué, pues, diremos? ¿Perseveraremos en el pecado para que la gracia abunde? En ninguna manera. Porque los que hemos muerto al pecado, ¿cómo viviremos aún en él?”

No. Empezamos una nueva vida en el Espíritu. Y podemos realmente disfrutar a Dios. Un teólogo dijo, “La libertad cristiana es la libertad de volverte todo lo que puedes en Cristo Jesús; no es una licencia para hacer cualquier cosa que te gusta…Cristo no nos liberó para ser nuestros propios; nos liberó para ser de él y solamente suyo.”

En el verso uno, dice, “!Oh gálatas insensatos! ¿quién os fascinó para no obedecer a la verdad, a vosotros ante cuyos ojos Jesucristo fue ya presentado claramente entre vosotros como crucificado?” La palabra fascinar puede ser traducida como, “embrujar,” “hechizar,” o “poner el ojo malo.” Los griegos antiguos estaban acostumbrados a y tenían miedo de la idea de que un hechizo podía ser lanzado sobre ellos por un ojo malo.

Creían que el ojo malo funcionaba como una serpiente podía hipnotizar a su presa con sus ojos. Cuando el victima miró al ojo malo,  podía ser embrujado. Por lo tanto, la manara para evitar el ojo malo era simplemente no mirarlo. Por eso, con esta metáfora, Pablo estaba animándoles para siempre y firmemente guardarse los ojos en Jesucristo.

¡Pero cuan fácilmente puede ser la iglesia embrujada hoy! Durante los siglos, muchos errores surgen, y nosotros los podemos ver usualmente, pero muchos están ciegos a los errores de hoy. Estamos asombrados con Pablo: ¿Quién les ha hechizado para que no obedezcan la verdad? Aun los grandes hombres y mujeres de Dios luchan con esto.

¿Qué tenemos que hacer para curarnos de nuestras maldiciones? Bueno, ¿cómo empieza Pablo en este pasaje? , “a vosotros ante cuyos ojos Jesucristo fue ya presentado claramente entre vosotros como crucificado.” Les hace recordar a Cristo en la cruz. Y tenemos que volver a la cruz, y acordarnos del sacrificio de Jesús y la gracia que lo puso allá. Nada más nos puede cambiar las vidas, y liberarnos del esclavitud y de las maldiciones.

Dice Gálatas 2:21, “Si la justicia se obtuviera mediante la ley, Cristo habría muerto en vano.” Si fuera por la ley que somos justificados, Cristo murió en vano. Por gusto. Por las puras. Como dice otra versión, “Si el derecho de estar con Dios depende de la forma en que a la altura de la ley, entonces el sacrificio del Rey Libertador en la cruz fue el más trágico de residuos en toda la historia!” Hay que volver a la cruz.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Spanish Sermon

¿Hay alguien acá que haya visitado un cañón alguna vez? En los Estados Unidos, de donde vengo, tenemos el Gran Cañón en Arizona que es muy famoso, pero nunca he ido, sólo lo conozco por fotos. En donde vivo ahora, tenemos el Cañón del Colca muy cerca, pero tampoco lo he visitado. Pero quizás alguno de ustedes haya ido a un cañón.

Entonces, imagínense que están por un precipicio de un cañón. Y tienen muchas piedras en sus manos. Entonces, empiezan a lanzar las piedritas al cañón, una a la vez. ¿Cuántas necesitamos para llenarlo?

Quiero decirles que cada uno de nosotros tiene un cañón a dentro. Tenemos un cañón y lo intentamos llenar con muchas piedritas. Facebook. Starbucks. Ropa de moda. Enamorados. Enamoradas. Trabajo. La iglesia. Las opiniones de otras personas. Y como decimos en ingles, sexo, drogas y rock and roll.

Y preguntamos, ¿porqué no estamos satisfechos? ¿Porqué nada nos llena? Porque Dios nos hizo para más que este mundo tiene para ofrecernos.

Nosotros, como seres humanos, somos como motores de carros. Dios es nuestro creador, el hombre que creó el motor de carro. Y Él creó el motor para funcionar con petróleo, nada más realmente funcionará. El ser humano es hecho para quemar Dios mismo, y nada más satisface nuestros espíritus. Por eso solamente somos satisfechos—sólo tenemos paz y contentamiento—en Dios mismo.

Pero en esta metáfora, esta historia humana, hay otro carácter. El enemigo,
diablo tiene un rol también; él quiere que usemos el jugo equivocado. El siempre trata de distraernos con las otras cosas que podemos echar en nuestros tanques. El quiere que usemos algo diferente para que nos malogremos

Pero Dios quiere que seamos completamente satisfechos! Hay una oración de Moisés en Salmo 90:14. Abramos nuestros Biblias allá.

Dice, “Sácianos de tu amor por la mañana, y toda nuestra vida cantaremos de alegría.”

Me encanta esta oración. Es como si Moisés supiera que si Dios no lo satifaciera en la mañana, su corazón iría a correr por otras cosas. Por eso, cuando oramos primero en la mañana, Dios llena tu corazón con amor. Sin este amor, sin esta satisfacción, queremos otras cosas. Queremos facebook. Queremos enamorados o enamoradas. Queremos aceptación de otras personas. Buscamos satisfacción en otras cosas, lanzando las piedritas, pero todavía estamos vacíos.

Hasta que, nos demos cuenta que Dios tiene la satisfacción que estamos buscando. Que él tiene el placer que queremos.

Ok, ok, yo sé que están diciendo ahora. “Espera, Cailyn, espera un ratito. Dios tiene placer para darnos? No lo creo. No es posible. Por que Dios esta en contra de mi placer.”

A veces, yo he pensado lo mismo. Yo quiero tomar mucho alcohol. Quiero ir a las fiestas. Pero Dios dice “No se emborrachen con vino.” Quiero tener muchos enamorados, y dormir con ellos. Pero Dios dice, “Huyan de la inmoralidad sexual.”  Esta persona me enojó, y quiero tener rencor hacia ella. Pero Dios dice “Perdonen hasta setenta veces siete.”

¡Dios, estás arruinando mi diversión!

Pero Salmo 16:11 dice, “Me mostrarás la senda de la vida; en tu presencia hay plenitud de gozo, delicias a tu diestra para siempre.” Hay delicias, placer, gozo, y alegría en la presencia de Dios. Él no está en contra de nuestra diversión. ¡Él quiere darnos la última alegría en su presencia! Y 1 Juan 5 dice, “Los mandamientos de Dios no son difíciles de cumplir.” Los mandamientos de Dios no son difíciles de cumplir. Son para nuestro bien.

Si sólo podríamos tener los ojos para ver que Dios quiere nuestro bien. Traten de perdonar, y vean si uds. tienen más paz al guardar ese rencor. Traten de esperar el matrimonio para tener sexo, y vean si se arrepienten. Porque yo no conozco a ninguna persona que el día de su boda dijo, “Wow. Espero que hubiera dormido con otras personas.” No. el camino de Dios es lo mejor camino, por que nuestro Creador es mejor que su creación. Y nos creyó para ser satisfechos solamente en él.

Pero con nuestras piedritas, hacemos buenas cosas últimas cosas. Por ejemplo, y es un ejemplo tonto, pero imagínate que hoy, comes un tazón de helado, y es lo mejor en el mundo. Cambia tu vida. Y decides que este helado es la cosa por lo cual has estado esperando toda tu vida. Crees que, por alguna manera, este helado va a llenar tu alma con gozo y rescatarte del descontentamiento. Y compras bastante, un suministro de toda la vida. Lo comes por el desayuno, almuerzo, y cena todos los días. ¿Y sabes que pasa después? Mueres después de un mes por obstrucción de las arterias y congelación del cerebro y cuerpo.

Sí, como dije, es un ejemplo tonto, pero sí, hacemos esto con muchas cosas. Probablemente no con helado, pero tal vez con un enamorado, una carrera, una banda, un equipo, cualquier cosa. Ponemos cualquier cosa como nuestro salvador, y cuando nos decepciona, no sabemos a donde vamos.

Por eso, primero tenemos que reconocer que nuestro alma está anhelando para mucho más que este mundo puede ofrecer. Aprendemos que todo en este mundo nos decepcionará. De repente, esto suena deprimente, pero cuando nos demos cuenta de esto, nos libertaremos. A ver, cuando tu esposo, o equipo, o música o comida ya no tiene que satisfacerte, actualmente puedes disfrutarlo. De repente, no hay presión.

Tal vez uds. conozcan la historia en la Biblia de Jacob y sus dos esposas en Génesis.

Jacob había estado ya un mes con Labán cuando éste le dijo:
   —Por más que seas mi pariente, no vas a trabajar para mí gratis. Dime cuánto quieres ganar. Labán tenía dos hijas. La mayor se llamaba Lea, y la menor, Raquel. Lea tenía ojos apagados, mientras que Raquel era una mujer muy hermosa. Como Jacob se había enamorado de Raquel, le dijo a su tío:
   —Me ofrezco a trabajar para ti siete años, a cambio de Raquel, tu hija menor. Labán le contestó:
   —Es mejor que te la entregue a ti, y no a un extraño. Quédate conmigo. 
Así que Jacob trabajó siete años para poder casarse con Raquel, pero como estaba muy enamorado de ella le pareció poco tiempo. Entonces Jacob le dijo a Labán:
   —Ya he cumplido con el tiempo pactado. Dame mi mujer para que me case con ella. Labán reunió a toda la gente del lugar y ofreció una gran fiesta. Pero cuando llegó la noche, tomó a su hija Lea y se la entregó a Jacob, y Jacob se acostó con ella. Además, como Lea tenía una criada que se llamaba Zilpá, Labán se la dio, para que la atendiera. A la mañana siguiente, Jacob se dio cuenta de que había estado con Lea, y le reclamó a Labán:
   —¿Qué me has hecho? ¿Acaso no trabajé contigo para casarme con Raquel? ¿Por qué me has engañado? Labán le contestó:
   —La costumbre en nuestro país es casar primero a la mayor y luego a la menor. Por eso, cumple ahora con la semana nupcial de ésta, y por siete años más de trabajo te daré la otra. Así lo hizo Jacob, y cuando terminó la semana nupcial de la primera, Labán le entregó a Raquel por esposa. También Raquel tenía una criada, llamada Bilhá, y Labán se la dio para que la atendiera. Jacob entonces se acostó con Raquel, y la amó mucho más que a Lea, aunque tuvo que trabajar para Labán siete años más.

A ver, que sabemos de esta historia? Primero, ¿qué significa “Lea tenía ojos apagados?” ¡Significa que era FEA! Y su hermana Raquel era muy hermosa. A ver, había muchas otras cosas raras pasando aquí. Jacob trabajaba por siete años para casarse con Raquel. Se supone que había vino y velos, porque sólo sabemos una cosa, que “A la mañana siguiente, Jacob se dio cuenta de que había estado con Lea.” Woah, ¿en serio? ¿Cómo es posible que él no se dio cuenta de con quien él había estado?

Podemos aprender muchas cosas para nuestras vidas también. A veces, vivimos en desilusión. ¿Cómo es posible que Jacob no sabía que era Lea? Por que estaba ciego. ¿Porqué? Por su deseo. Y es lo mismo con nosotros. Pensamos que esta persona o este trabajo o este éxito por fin nos satisfacerá.  Pero, otra vez no estamos satisfechos.

Hay una canción en ingles que dice “Cada persona es como una taza” y todos nosotros tenemos una grieta en la taza. Tratamos de llenarnos y el agua derrama de la taza. Ponemos trabajos, dinero, enamorados, facebook, y las cosas de este mundo en la taza, y todo se derrama de la taza.  Cual es la solución?

La canción dice que tenemos que venir a la cascada. Y la cascada es Jesucristo.  El murió en la cruz para darnos vida eterna, y no solamente una vida mediocre, sino una vida en abundancia. Y realmente, no solamente tenemos una grieta, sino tenemos una taza que es demasiada grande para que nada ni nadie la pueda llenar. ¿Recuerdan el cañón? Las piedritas nunca van a llenar el cañón. Pero la cascada puede.

Esta noche, voy a invitarles a venir a la cascada, para ser realmente satisfecho. Tal vez ustedes hayan tratado de estar contentos con otras cosas, y esta noche se dan cuenta que nunca va a funcionar. Que fueron hechos para más que las piedritas. Que Dios tiene que entrar en sus vidas para cambiarlas. Esta noche, quiero invitarles a hacer lo que dice Salmo 34:8: “Prueben y vean que el Señor es bueno; dichosos los que en él se refugian.” ¡Dios es bueno! ¡Pruebenlo! ¡Veanlo! 

Friday, October 22, 2010

A song that spoke to me

Mountains high
Valley's low
These are the things
That makes us grow
But all I want to know
Is if you can hear me
And all I want to know
Is if you're still there
So I can feel your love
Wash over like rain
I could feel your joy
In the midst of this pain

Can you shine?
Shine, on me
Can you shine?
Shine, on me
And give me the faith
I long to believe, please

Season's change
Well I change too
Like spring and summer
And I fall to you
And all I want to know
Is if you can heal me
And all I want to know
Is if you're still listening God
And all I want to know
Is if you're still there God

So why don't you shine
Come on shine on me
Why don't you shine?
Shine, on me
And give me the faith I want to believe, believe

I believe
I said I believe
No one's gonna take away that from me

So why don't you shine
Come on Shine on me
I know you will shine, you will shine on me
I know you're going to shine on me
And you'll give me the faith I know to believe, believe

Season's change
Well I change too
Like spring and summer
And I fall to you

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Messy Movement

From Love Extreme (June 19), to the spiritual retreat (end of June), to many visits in the market (beginning in July), to new believers, to the second spiritual retreat, to a new cell group in their house (end of August), to more new believers…

And it all led to an evangelism event last night in Campo de Marte, Paucarpata, which, by the way, is the farthest location of any of the cell groups in Arequipa.

I would be lying if I told you that things went how I planned for them to go last night, but when does God ever work as we expect him too? We brought the other cell group to meet our cell group, because they will now unite and become the new church in Paucarpata.

We had music and a testimony, and then showed the Felix Vargas movie. (For those of you who don’t know, Felix Vargas was a member of the Columbia drug cartel, who killed countless people, trafficked drugs, spent time in jail, and had a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ. He is now working as a missionary in the Church of the Nazarene and with Extreme in Paraguay.)

Our class this week is Biblical Preaching, so we brought our professor to preach and give the call.

Now numbers never tell a whole story, but people like to know, so I will tell you that we had more than twenty people there, and made more than five new contacts for this church and the 40/40s who will continue there.

I will also tell you that it was surprisingly hard to say goodbye. I teared up, and am still having trouble thinking about leaving this family. I told you at the beginning about all the work we have done with this family, but the thing is, there is still so much work to do. Ester and I have completely fallen in love with this community, with this family. We have poured our hearts, souls, and passion into this cell group, and it is not easy to leave. But we know that He who began a good work in this family will carry it on to completion.

And we’re trusting Him.

With that said, I want you to pray for this family. Pray for the Condori family, and each individual by name. (Here they are, in the order we started working with them.)

Sonia: I met Sonia at Love Extreme, talked to her for 40 minutes after the event, prayed with her, was with her at the first spiritual retreat, saw her get baptized, and have visited her weekly since then. This whole thing started with her. She told me at Love Extreme that she really wanted to learn more about God. But she is still having problems leaving the old life behind. She is trying to grow, but often lacks the motivation.
Viviana: Sonia’s mom, and really the mother of eight children in all and who knows how many grandchildren! She was the first one to accept Christ in the market. Viviana can’t read or write, and often has trouble understanding things. But she has a big heart, and truly loves her family. She has been a part of our cell group in her house since we started it.
Mirian: Sonia’s youngest sister, the 20-year-old baby of the family. We all know being the baby of the family can be a blessing or a curse, and this is true of Mirian. She is less responsible, and also less committed. She gave her life to Christ in the market as well, went to one of the spiritual retreats, but has not truly had an experience with God that has changed her life yet. Sonia told us the first time we met her, “If you can get through to Mirian, you can get through to anyone.” Well we have learned how true that is as we have continued discipling her in the market. But God is working on her, convicting her, and changing her, even if it is a process.
Jose: Sonia’s dad and Viviana’s husband. He also has difficulty understanding, but we know he wants to. He has attended the cell group we had in the house. He always has a big smile, even though he is a really little man! He went with Viviana and Mirian to one of the spiritual retreats.
Noelia: Sonia’s sister; she is married with one baby. And she was the one who opened the door to their house for us to begin the cell group there. She has so much interest in learning more about Christ, but this is hard for her. She once explained to us that she is Catholic because her parents baptized her in the Catholic Church, but she doesn’t know anything about Catholic beliefs. But she wants to raise her daughter well, and live a life for Christ.
Nilda: Noelia’s daughter. She is only a year and a half old, but I put her in this list because God is changing her story, even before she knows it. Her parent’s have argued about whether to baptize her in the Catholic Church. This is obviously something she has no control over, but her family is beginning to follow Christ, which means she will be trained up in the ways of God, and can do the same for her family one day.
Jesús: Noelia’s husband who is not a Christian and does not come to our cell group. We greet him and pray for him, that God will soften his heart. He really wants Nilda to be baptized, but Noelia isn’t so sure. And sometimes he pulls her out of the cell group to talk, probably just so she won’t hear the lesson and learn more about Jesus. But God is working in his heart as well.
Rubén: Sonia’s oldest brother. Noelia introduced us one week, and we chatted with him and have called him every week to invite him to the cell group, but he hasn’t come yet. Almost every week he promises to, or makes excuses, says he has to work, whatever. One week I called him, and he was already slurring his words a lot because he was drunk. But I don’t believe it was a coincidence that we met him, and will continue to pray for him.
Pedro: Sonia’s boyfriend/fiancé. At least they think they will get married someday. He accepted Christ when we went to visit him at work unexpectedly, (and after he prayed, his response was "Wow") and we started a discipleship class with him on Saturdays, because he works and goes to school everyday. He is always full of questions, and is hungry to learn more, but still has struggles as well.
Milton: Sonia’s brother, the youngest boy of the family. He is in school studying psychology, and is really intelligent, and also full of questions. But he gave his life to Christ one night during our cell group. He wasn’t even supposed to be there! And he was at the movie last night, and still wants to learn more, and invited us back to the house anytime.
Rosa: Rosa is Sonia’s oldest sister, with a family of her own (husband and mother of three). We spoke to her at the market one day, and invited her to our cell group. She came the following week with two of her kids, and accepted Christ that night. She has continued coming every week, eager to learn, desiring her own Bible, wanting to bring her other son and husband as well.
Lesly: Rosa’s eight-year-old daughter. She is a bundle of energy! I actually met her with Sonia at Love Extreme, where she committed her life to Christ. She loves to read her Bible during the cell groups and fill in the lessons.
Reynaldo: Jose and Viviana’s grandson who lives in Puno. He came a few weeks to our cell group in the market, and showed a lot of interest in learning more about Jesus, so we have his address in Puno for the 40/40s who will be working there.
Dalia: Jose and Viviana’s sixteen-year-old granddaughter, who lives just across the street, and began coming to our cell group the week Ester was in Lima. She is really sweet and seems to really enjoy coming to the cell group and learning more. Last night, she brought her parents to the movie.
Marta: Dalia’s mom who we met for the first time last night, who was incredibly sweet and really enjoyed the movie and the message.
Pedro: Dalia’s dad who we met for the first time last night, who was extremely kind and hospitable to us.

Speaking of Pedro, last night after we left, he offered to drive us to the point we usually have to take a little bus to after the movie. So his car is a pretty normal-sized car, not even as big as my Grand Prix. But we decided to put all the 40/40s in the car to get to Baden to take the other bus all the way to Zamacola. So NINE of us crammed into his car with Pedro!! Two in the front seat and seven in the back! Only in Peru!!

Now do you see why I always talk about a MOVEMENT? We started with two of those people, and the list has grown to seventeen names! That is God’s doing, touching hearts and changing lives, and our God is an AWESOME God.

I would love to tell you that every one of these people is living a sold-out life for Christ, but that isn’t the case. This is messy. That is why we have terrible statistics about people who make a decision for Christ and aren’t in the church a year later. Discipleship is hard, but it is our calling.

So even though we have to leave them, God is still with them, working in them and blessing them. He is amazing!

One last thing: We had people drive up in their cars to watch the film!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Deep and Wide

A new song, written by your very own 40/40 missionaries...

Sung to the tune of "Deep and Wide..."

Cheap, and poor. Cheap and poor.
We are missionaries, cheap and poor.
Cheap and poor. Cheap and poor we are missionaries cheap and poor!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I just want to describe my day yesterday to you all:

I have had a stomach parasite for over a week. Without too much detail, this means I was going to the bathroom--a lot.

So I finally got some pills to kill my amigo, but yesterday morning, I took my pill a little before I ate breakfast. Empty stomach+antibiotic=bad idea. So before I even ate breakfast, I was throwing up in a really disgusting bathroom.

And about four months ago, I stubbed my toe really bad in our classroom. I thought it was no big deal, but the pain and swelling didn't go away. And then I realized that my toenail hasn't grown. It's been four months now since it has grown. Not good. So yesterday Ester finally did "surgery" on my horrible ingrown toenail. I've never had one before, but it was the worst pain I have ever experienced. And we have to do it again today. So that means there is more pain, screaming and crying in my future.

Additionally, yesterday after a short nap with my contacts in, my keratitis came back. This is eye inflammation that causes severe pain, redness, tearing, and sensitivity to light. My eye looked and felt horrible.

And because of the pain in my eye from all the light, I also ended my night with a headache.

Now, does anyone think it is coincidence that all of this (parasite, vomiting, ingrown toenail, keratitis, headache)  hit me a week before we move to Cusco and start our work?

So, in all, this is a plea for prayer for me and my team. We need it, and we appreciate it greatly!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

This is Small

This is our cell group!

I was reading a blog, Stuff Christians Like. Let me just tell you, if you've never checked it out, you should.

So I was reading this blog, about three simple words: God loves you.

God loves you.

God loves you.

If only that could sink in.

Just like Jon in the tunnel at the Catalyst Conference, to hear God say to me, "This is small. The work you are doing, this is small compared to my love and grace for you."

To understand, yes, I am following the call of God on my life here in Peru. And we are seeing fruit of God's glory and grace and his Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We are discipling three groups of people. We have been working with this family since Love Extreme FIVE MONTHS AGO. And we have seen it grow from just Sonia to her family, eleven people in all. That is amazing! And we have plans to unite it with another cell group that is ten minutes away, and it will become a new church. And we have plans to do amazing outreach next week. And we believe we are going to experience God and see more people come to the foot of the cross.


This is small.

This is small compared to God's love for us.

Small compared to his grace in our lives. Small compared to the power that God wants to fill us with, the same power that the church of Acts had: power to heal, cast out demons, see people forgiven of sins and changed. Compared to that power, this is SMALL!

I am filled with comfort because of that thought. Extraordinary comfort. This morning, Ester reminded me of Colossians 3:23-24:

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

We are getting attacked hard core. I have now been sick to my stomach for an entire week. And, without giving details, I mean really sick. And ever since we have hit our sixth month here, I have been getting sick every other week. And we have faced some really difficult things. Culture clashes. You could even call some of it persecution. We have been attacked.

But God's love covers us. His grace is sufficient. In our weaknesses, we are strong.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Twenty-First Birthday in Peru

Let me just start by saying, I love birthdays. Seriously, favorite holiday. Generally speaking, I like them more than Christmas. To most, this sounds strange, but it is true.

I love birthdays.

And my 21st birthday came around during our ninth month in Peru.

And it stated with a midnight serenade of "Happy Birthday" from the other girls on the team. They woke me up, sang, I blew out candles on little mini strawberry pies, which I ate for breakfast! I didn't exactly wake up gracefully, and fell asleep shortly after, but it was awesome!

Then at the start of class, Alex and Gary broke out their guitars to sing me a birthday song that they wrote! Here's the video, and the lyrics follow:

Cailyn you always break your drawer
And it crashes to the floor
Then you say, "Daniel, ayudame por favor."

Lord I pray that Mike D likes awkward laughs
or girls that only take two baths...a week

Happy Birthday, we sing to you
Oh man, we do
Happy Birthday, from me to you
That's from me to you

Cailyn I'll miss you
I wish that you wouldn't go to Cusco
I'll miss our theological discussions
And your blogging too
Those times we boxed
You almost punched me in the eye
Hope you can defend yourself against
that scary guy
I'm scared for him, but not for you
You better get him good

That's why we sing to you...

Happy Birthday, we sing to you
Oh man, we do
Happy Birthday, from me to you
That's from me to you

A group of us also went out to dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant in the center of town. To finish the day, we used a projector, watched Evan Almighty, and ate a bunch of popcorn! It was fantastic!

But actually my birthday started over the weekend with Ester's family. They made me a pie, sang to me, and I even blew out candles! Her parents and sisters even bought me a couple presents. They are now my family too, and they are amazing.

At the youth camp, they also all sang to me. And we are having more festivities with my Cusco family later this week!

So thanks to everyone who helped make my twenty-first special!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Headed to Lima, and no, Not Lima, OH

I leave for Lima today! I will be helping out with a youth spiritual retreat with a group from Ester's church. I will be one of the counselors, giving one of the lessons, and preaching in an evangelism service on Saturday night. So I wrote my first ever Spanish sermon! Pretty exciting! I will let you all know how things went when I get back next week. Keep me in your prayers!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Contradictory God?

Isaiah 65:5-7

"You meet him who rejoices in doing righteousness,
         Who remembers You in Your ways 
         Behold, You were angry, for we sinned,
         We continued in them a long time;
         And shall we be saved? 
    For all of us have become like one who is unclean,
         And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment;
         And all of us wither like a leaf,
         And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. 
    There is no one who calls on Your name,
         Who arouses himself to take hold of You;
         For You have hidden Your face from us
         And have delivered us into the power of our iniquities."

This passage really shows the helplessness we find ourselves in because of sin. "How then can we be saved" if we are "unclean" and even our "righteous acts are like filthy rags?" We are wasting away because of our sins, and we cannot get back to God.

This is why we need a Savior. This passage is in the second part of Isaiah, which one of my commentaries calls the "New Testament of Isaiah." So we think it should just be warm and fuzzy prophesy of redemption. And we are met with the wonderful promise of a Savior, but that is not the only reality we encounter.

We also find that we are horribly trapped in sin, so badly that nothing we do is enough to fix our pathetic state. We are ill with the disease of sin.

And we also must remember that God is unchanging, and is therefore, still a God of wrath. He is loving and compassionate, but he also promises judgement. There are not two different Gods, the Old Testament God of wrath and judgement and the New Testament God of love and grace. Believe it or not, this was a belief deemed as heresy in early church history. A theologian named Marcion threw the Old Testament out of his canon of the Bible because it showed a God of wrath that he thought was different than the God who sent Jesus to die for our sins. 

And I think we do this too sometimes. We think that the God of judgement is contradictory to the God of grace we know. But then we become confused as to why Jesus even had to die. 

God is too holy to allow sin into his presence. His wrath against sin had to be satisfied through an offering. Isaiah 53:10 tells us that the coming Messiah will be a guilt offering. "Buy his wounds we are healed."

My friend and fellow 40/40 Gary talks about the guilt offering in his blog. He says that Jesus is our "one size fits all sacrifice." Jesus is the only remedy to our horrible disease of sin, the only one who can make us clean and whole. Jesus was the offering that satisfied God's wrath toward sin. God still hates sin, all of it, and it all separates us from his presence. But he shows the sinner grace by offering salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. That is who God is.