Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Battle Cry

Reminder: I am still human.

And along with that truth comes a tendency for imperfection.

I am still a sinner. I am still incomplete. I am still learning.

I am still prone to spiritual attacks.

And the closer we get to beginning our work in Cusco, the harder it gets. The stronger the attacks come.

For example, I told you about my partner Ester. She was being super-spiritually attacked.

And now it is my turn. And the way the enemy attacks me hardest is by removing my motivation. I think I already lean towards a procrastinating personality, but when I am supposed to be doing something for the kingdom of God, it gets so much worse.

Like with Spanish school. I never wanted to study or do my homework. Now don't get me wrong, my Spanish has come a long way and is actually really good, but I could have applied myself SO MUCH MORE in school and become way better way faster. But I had no motivation.

The same is true now. Class was incredibly hard for me today. Not because this class is difficult or the professor isn't good or for any reason other than I didn't feel like being there. I didn't want to listen or do the homework or do anything. I even thought about walking out.

What is that? I used to love school, love learning. And I am SO CLOSE to being ready to apply all this knowledge. But I don't feel like learning.

I am being attacked. Hard core. And not just with this.

I had a pretty bad attitude today about some other stuff. And I thought about giving up something here in Arequipa that really matters to me. The details aren't important, only that I felt really defeated.

And that is not where God wants me to be!

I am sounding my battle cry every day! I want to be attacked so that I KNOW I am a threat to the devil. And I am still in the perfect time to prepare myself for the work ahead.

So I tell you this just so that you can continue praying. I need it!

And I still want to know how I can pray for you, so please let me know.


  1. O man AMEN!!!! sound it girl!! IM sounging it with you.

  2. Sometimes, I try to think less.
