Friday, September 3, 2010

Learning to Pray

I feel like God is teaching me how to pray.

That probably sounds like a weird sentence from someone who has been a Christian for fifteen years. But my prayer for a while now has been "Teach me how to pray."

I want to know what it really means to pray in the Spirit at all times.

I want to really experience what it is like to pray without ceasing.

I want to know what wrestling prayer feels like.

I want to intercede.

And I feel like God is answering my prayer, bit by bit. I have definitely come a long way in my prayer life in the last seven months.

But God is teaching me the power of intercessory prayer, and calling me to do a lot more of it. So I have begun checking in with my team to know how to pray for them. And I want to do the same with you.

Now for all I know, about two people read this blog, and at least one of the two is in Peru, but if you read this, I would LOVE for you to leave a comment with a prayer request or two so that we can be connected through this blog and I can do some interceding for you. Depending on how many people comment (the more the better) I would like to do this from time to time. So please let me know how I can pray for you!!!


  1. well just the same ones for me, the lord keeping me strong and just that he would continualy reminde me how awesome he is and keep molding and forming my heart. Thanks

  2. Hi Cailyn,
    Like you I am in a learning process in what is now my 20th year of pastoral ministry. I have felt lead to preach a series on spiritual freedom this month and I know that God's primary audience for that series is me, however, I also realize everyone in our congregation has some areas of struggle. So I would like to ask you to join me in prayer for all of us at Eaton First to listen to the Holy Spirit's voice, follow through on what He says to us and experience the blessings God wants to pour out as we are honest with ourselves and honest with God! Thanks for sharing your experiences they both encourage and challenge me. Know that we are keeping you and your team in prayer as well!
